~☆~ SBC Week 9: Warrior Cats ~☆~


Today on this SBC I’ll be talking about one of my all-time top favorite everything book series. 。◕‿‿◕。

“Warrior Cats.

H-hey! Don’t leave! I know you all are dog people (I like dogs too) but wait! >.<

Warrior Cats is a fantasy novel series with five to six arcs with six (or five?) books.

Ok, bear with me here, it’s gonna sound crazy, but don’t worry! It’s a really interesting book!

Four Clans of cats live in a forest, each with its own hierarchy and culture.

Here’s how the clans work:

Kits get born with a prefix, such as Robin, Sparrow, Willow, Dust, Frost, Wolf, etc. with the suffix -kit at the end. At six moons, (one month=one moon) they get apprenticed to a mentor, a full grown warrior (I’ll elaborate on that later-) and they get the suffix -paw (to represent the path their paws are on). When their mentor sees that they are ready to become a warrior, they take assessments. If they pass, they have their warrior ceremony, and they get their warrior suffix, which can be -heart, -fur, -pelt,  flower, -swift, -step, etc. (Some names might be Robinfur Duststep, Wolfheart, Frostflower, Willowswift, Sparrowpelt).

The leader, which their prefix ends with -star, organizes their respective clan, makes decisions for the clan, etc.

The medicine cat is in charge of healing and nursing their clan. They connect with StarClan (a place where cats who have passed on look at their clan from above–Silverpelt; and send omens and prophecies to the clans).

The clans have a “warrior code”–how the cats are supposed to act, but you can look it up because it doesn’t really have anything to do with this post.

Ok, onto the storyline!

The saga’s first book is called “Into the Wild”.

Rusty, a kittypet (clan cat terms for a domestic housepet cat) is out hunting when he is tackled by Greypaw, another cat. After a bit of conversing, Rusty joins ThunderClan, one of the four Clans. (The other clans are RiverClan, ShadowClan, and WindClan.)

Later, he learns that a treacherous cat named Tigerclaw is planning to kill ThunderClan’s leader, Bluestar, while she is on her last life. (Leaders get nine lives to protect their clan. The meaning of the lives given vary. Some reasons might be: To protect your clan, to lead your clan well and to honor your clan with pride.)

I won’t spoil how the book ends, though!

You can see more Warrior Cat things here: Warrior Cats Official Websitec

I really hope you enjoyed this SBC post! Good-bye! ♪┏(・o・)┛♪

~A Koi named Skoi  ♪┏(・o・)┛♪

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