The Ultimate Guide to Finding CC Media Websites! ^0^


Hi, everyone!

Today I am making a post on what websites you can use to find Creative Commons media. This includes pictures, sounds, and music. CC media is great because you can use their awesome media of no price. All you need to do is add some attribution.

All of the websites’ graphics belong to them.

But first, what is the meaning of attribution? (From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

  1. :  the act of attributing something; especially:  the ascribing of a work (as of literature or art) to a particular author or artist <– This is the one we need!

  2. 2:  an ascribed quality, character, or right Supernatural powers were attributions of the gods.

Attribution means to attribute, or credit, the artist, sound maker, musician/singer, etc. I’ll be labeling each website with two sections, “Media quality” and “Easy to use?”. The first section is how I’ll determine how good the media is. This means that if the media quality section is not good, you’ll probably have a hard time finding quality pictures on the website. Easy to use means how easy it is to filter it. Let’s begin!


  1. Bing

Bing is a GREAT website for finding CC media. It is easy to use and it has a better quality of search vs. the other websites I will be mentioning later. Here’s how to sort!

  1. Go to the search bar. I’m going to search up copyrighted character, because animals aren’t really copyrighted, and in that case, it won’t work.

2. Now, we’ll need to filter our searches. Click the handy-dandy Filter button.

3. There we go! There’s a button called License. Click on that. If you want, you can click on “Creative Commons”, but there’s way more to see! Want to use it in a flyer? Click on “Free to share and use commercially“! Want to give Superman a mustache? (I don’t know why you would want to do it, but I don’t really care. Give him a bicycle for all I care. =)  Click on “Free to modify, share, and use“! Want to do a triple search? Do “Free to modify, share, and use commercially“! Anything you can think of! Of course, you need to attribute the person, but other than that, BAM! You have your creative commons media.

Media Quality: 10/10 I think the media on Bing is really good. Even with the filters, the media quality is excellent.

Easy to use?: 9.9/10 The filter button is a bit small, but the rest is easy. It’s understandable. With the filters, you’ll have no trouble finding a cool Batman to put on a flyer or a fun Superman to decorate with this.

2. Compfight

Compfight is a Flickr search. With this one, just click on the “Creative Commons” on the sidebar. It’s a really good website for most things, except for copyrighted things.

  1. First, go to Compfight’s search bar.
  2. Search something up. I’ll search up puppies.
  3. The top section will be professional stock photos, so you’ll need to pay to use them. The bottom pictures are of less quality but are free with credit. I’ll show you how to credit the photos. 
  4. First, copy and paste the HTML on the pop-up that appears.

5. Now, download the picture size you need.

6. After, upload the picture. WAIT! First, on the captions, copy and paste the HTML.

Photo Credit: DaPuglet Flickr via Compfight cc

And there’s our beautiful heart pug! Compfight is an easy way of finding pictures and crediting them.

Media Quality: 4/10 The media quality is a bit low. Once in a while, you’ll find a good picture (Example: This cute and adorable pug!) but if you’re trying to find your favorite (copyrighted!) character you won’t have a lot of luck.

Easy to use?: 9.6/10 This is a bit lower than Bing because the option is on the side. Most people will look in the middle, which is where Bing placed their Filter button. Overall, I think this was really easy to use, but with way fewer options of filtering than Bing.


  1. Free-Loops

Free-Loops is filled with all kinds of audio files! The best thing is, there is a whole tab filled with free sound files! All you need to do is credit! I’ll show you how to sort.

  1. Go to the audio category button and press “CC with attribution” on the bottom under the “License” category.


2. Done! You have a whole 27+ pages of sounds to choose from!


  1. ccMixter

ccMixter is an awesome website for music! The permission has already been granted, so all you need to do is add credit. No filtering!

  1. First, click the “Music” button or scroll down to find this button. Click on it.
  2. Then, choose from all the music!

Hope you can find some awesome media on here! Have fun!

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