A History of Dogs

Hi everyone,

Almost everyone knows about the furry “man’s best friend”: the dog. If you don’t know what a dog is, you’re either lying or you’re under 2 years old. Sorry. Anyways, I’m here to present to you: A History of Dogs! Enjoy, roll the tape! 😀

Wolves were first domesticated somewhere in Eurasia. Wolves were first attracted to human camps to scavenge for food. As time progressed, wolves started traveling with nomadic humans and a “natural selection” of wolf domestication occurred. According to various research, women may of first started owning wolves/dogs as pets.

Surprisingly, the domestication of dogs occurred all around the world. The first estimated domestication of wolves were around Central Asia 15,000 years ago. In some studies, it shows that the Chinese domesticated wolves 7,000 to 9,000 years ago to herd animals. Some other studies show that dogs were domesticated 18,800–32,100 years ago in Europe from a small strain of gray wolf that now inhabits India.

Some studies show that some dogs actually descend from jackals instead of wolves! These studies also suggest that these wolves did not travel with nomadic humans; rather that they came to the Americas 10,000 years ago.

Dogs were pampered in Ancient Egypt. They were thought to be godlike figures. Only royalty was allowed to own purebred dogs, and they were indulged by their own servants, outfitted with jeweled collars, and fed closely selected diets. When a ruler died, their favorite dog was often placed in their tomb so the ruler wouldn’t get harmed in the afterlife, per Egyptian beliefs.

Pictures/paintings of dogs have also been seen on walls, tombs, and scrolls throughout Europe. The pictures often depict the dogs hunting game with their owners. Statues of dogs also guard entrances to tombs and burial crypts.

During the Bronze Age, there were five distinct categories of dogs: mastiffs, wolf-type dogs, sight hounds, pointing dogs, and herding dogs.

I hoped this post gave you a bit of info on one of the most popular animals of all time! Goodbye!

– A Koi named Skoi ♪┏(・o・)┛♪



Credit: Bing

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